Wednesday, October 12, 2011

overindulgence on social networking websites induced

What really is Social Networking Websites?
Before I get started, let's know what really is social networking services? Perhaps, you might have a better insight how to emphasize though. Well, I would like to explicate less differently from what you thought.
Social Networking Service is just an online connectivity services that further enables multiple users to starts share personal interests, events, data and other credential information as well. Clearly, social networking services can further be explain as the integration of multiple web application or features that makes

avail to the users who registered in the network.
List of the dominate social networking websites
  • Friendster
  • MySpace
  • hi5
  • Orkut
  • Bebo
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google+
Generally, some people would like to know what goes around and comes around. Well, for the sound realization I would like to raise some common question that has been engulfing overtime. More importantly, you can ask yourself why the writer did mention the listed silly queries.

What makes you love social networking services ultimately?
In general, if you started asking about this question you might get called the Jerky. Differently, most people love due to features, applications and reliable or easiness. Well, is it true you love social network because:
  • Though my friends has it
  • User interface
  • Easy making money
  • Sharing information faster
  • Integration functionality
  • Relationship
  • Education
What makes you hate social networking services severely?
I doubt this question might kick some ass though everyone love social network. Meanwhile, millions of people start hating due several issues. Majority of the answer might be because of the following reasons:
  • Husband/wife relationship
  • Boyfriend/girlfriend relationship
  • Family relationship
  • Fake encounter
  • Self-respect
What could you gain using social networking services productively?
Well, social network websites plays such a crucial role, starting from personal to one's enterprises communication platform. More than millions of enterprise companies has started leveraging, enhance products and ads by the power of online media only.

What could it affect using social networking services unsuitably?
More importantly, engaging social network services as personal or credential legacy repository is risk into extent. Further, this could eventually results several data leak and false information. Recently, what Facebook CEO says "Facebook has your information for our purposes". Interestingly, what could be it reasons and purposes? Well, your personal information is crucial and significant isn't it? Though this could leads something in the near future. I personally do engage in social stuffs but I do try measure, up to what extent my credential would it affects in the near future.

For the bottom-line, in this world overindulgence in every direction turns failure or lost commonly. Most importantly, I don't meant you should pull up stakes in everything but be cerebrating will be the highest demand to overcome such upcoming tragedy instantly.

Note: Your admit requires though funny :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Google Plus Will Rule

Is it good to start by using the word Open Source? Well, what is meant by Open Source by the way? Though Open Source has variant explanation, taking into technical methodology Open Source is the real-life sharing of source code that further enables a self-enhancement of ones products or software  under  users licensing, copyright and terms as well.

Truly, Red Hat is credited as the leading Open-Source company. Interestingly, it's enthusiasts companies like IBM, SUN and Google Inc. became one of the fastest Open Source company growing ever. Seeing Google Inc., the company hit it's 13th birth anniversary. Hope you might wonder how they really become such a successful company ever known in history. The answer might not be too elusive to explain though. Well, hundreds of Google's products and services  has been launched in the year 2011, so could it be the revolutionary for Google's Inc.?

Chase to the point, you might have heard or started using Google plus social network  services that has been enable just a months back. Interestingly, more than 50 million users has started streaming. On the contrary, the most widely used Facebook social network services could be the targeted endeavor in terms of features, functionality and services as well. Though, Facebook has more users than that of Google plus till date. It could be a real challenge point for Facebook, how Google plus attained more than 50 millions of users just by 4 months. Besides, it's also a millions of people query on what the heck is going under Google plus services by the way. Well, Google plus could be the future technology. Why? 

As Google's keeps on innovative and smart movement, though we can find hundreds of reasons, I will list some specific reason why Google plus will rule entirely.

1) Circles/Privacy: Circles feature enables users to starts create specific users or group separately. It further enables sharing one's circles to other friends as well. More importantly, Google plus circles is called the safest privacy module. Though, there are options Block and Ignore functionality unlike Facebook once you block users, he or she will be remove from your friend list but not in Google plus.

2) Hangouts: Though the world is on virtualization, Google plus enable virtual communication with your love ones, within circles or specific people as well. As per the limitation of users hangouts, member can join the hangouts video chat through invites basis. To be precise, hangouts functionality enables multiple users sharing one screen (i.e. you can see all the hangouts users on your screen)

3) Photos and Video supports: Though we often feels clumsy for such a prolong photos or video uploading stuff. Interestingly, Google plus enables an instant upload functionality. It further enables drag and drop of photos and videos as well. That further allows you to re-organize again.

4) URL Shorten: You might come across description or tags of videos once you started sharing from YouTube services or other. Google plus 1 button will enables you to share the video without further description of the videos that you're sharing. 

5) Unlimited text support: Facebook allows you to insert 500 characters in your status update field. But Google plus takes content as the most crucial parts of users, it enables you to insert unlimited character or words in your stream field.

6) Games: It's annoying totally when people constantly invited to join their games. Mainly, in Facebook you might come across largely. Though Google plus did enable free online games services, you can control the games notification setting stuffs.

7) Less spam: Millions of users loves spamming one another, well Google plus maintain a smart spamming control that has been enable by default.

8) Ads: You wouldn't come across any ads in Google plus why? because it's not Facebook though. 

9) Mobile support: Google plus enables for every multimedia mobile support system.

10) Integrated: Once you login you Google account, you can starts browse any services by Google's though it enables integrated functionality. 

For the bottom line, the plus one(+1) button explains everything. Clearly, +1 button could be the decision maker for Google search analytic. For example, your website has 90.k+1 hits that means your website has been hit by 90,000 users. In a nutshell Google search engine will keep the entire information and will retrieve for further keywords as well. So, can we say Google plus one is the future though seems promise the most relevant and organic solution for one's hassles?

Siam Simte

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Zeitgeist: The Movie


By: Lun Hangluah
zeitgeist movie

Zeitgeist: the Movie is a 2007 documentary film by Peter Joseph, an American non-commercial film director and activist, examining possible historical and modern conspiracies surrounding Christianity, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the Federal Reserve Bank. It was officially released online on June 18, 2007 on, and distributed free on the internet via Google Video and BitTorrent. A sequel, Zeitgeist: Addendum, has been released in October 2008 while a third film called Zeitgeist: Moving Forward is scheduled to be released in October 2010. Peter Joseph has also created an organization called ‘The Zeitgeist Movement’ to promote a holistic readjustment of society through technology and science. The following is a review of the movie episode titled ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’ which forms Part I of the movie documentary. This 30-minute movie clip is a denigration of religion at large and Christianity in particular. The creator of Zeitgeist allege (using the words of Thomas Paine) that—
The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally payed to the sun.” 

Following from there, Jesus Christ is reduced to a mythical figure based on earlier sun gods, a creation of the early Gnostic Church by plagiarism, non-existent in history. Zeitgeist argues that the historical Jesus is a literary and astrological hybrid, nurtured politically in the interest of control & hold on the social system. 


Peter Joseph alleges that the Christian religion is shrouded in solar symbolism and astrological myths, which in turn were borrowed from or shared with other solar deities of different times. 

He begins by building a case that certain characteristics so far attributed to Jesus Christ in the Bible and in Christian tradition are in reality traits borrowed from the age-old adoration/worship of the Sun which find varied expressions in different world cultures of different times in such prominent deities as Horus of Egypt, Attis of Greece, Krishna of India, Dionysus of Greece, Mithra of Persia, and a host of other mythical gods. These deities allegedly subscribe to certain common characteristics as virgin birth on Dec 25, miracles and 12 disciples, 3-day death/burial, and resurrection. 

Next, the creator probes into the recurrence of these traits in different mythical characters, taking the case of Jesus Christ, and seeks to explain the same by appealing to an elaborate astrological & solar symbolism surrounding the Jesus figure. It sees all the motifs and characters in the NT as coded astrological or solar references. And everything about Jesus is taken to be an allegory of one astrological phenomenon or the other. 

1. The Nativity. The star in the E is Sirius, in the constellation Canis Major, which lines up with three bright stars on Orion’s belt often called the “three kings.” Sirius, with the 3 Kings point to the Sun’s rise on Dec 25. Hence the 3 kings follow the star in the Nativity story. 

2. Virgin Mary. Mary is a virgin because she personifies the constellation Virgo, aka the “House of Bread,” or, in Hebrew beth-lehem, “a place in the sky, not on earth.” 

3. The Crucifixion/the Phenomenon around Dec 25. Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection symbolize the observable solar phenomenon around Dec 25 at winter solstice.[1] The gradual shortening of the sun’s solstice as it moves South in winter symbolizes the process of the sun’s demise, which is fully realized on Dec 22, when at winter solstice the sun is at its lowest point in the sky. Residing there/or setting in the vicinity of the Crux constellation for 3 days (Dec 22, 23, 24), ensnared in the ‘Southern Cross,’ the sun starts moving back toward the Northern hemisphere on Dec 25, that is, is resurrected. Easter is celebrated, however, as late as the Vernal Equinox[2] because it was then that the sun officially conquered darkness (longer days superseding longer nights). 

4. 12 Disciples. Jesus’ 12 disciples represent the Zodiac signs, the 12 constellations revolving round the sun, the Sun’s travelling places. 

5. The Cross. The cross is a pagan adaptation of the Cross of the Zodiac or the Solar Cross, a pagan spiritual symbol, not the symbol of Christianity. And Jesus’ head shown against the cross (in Jesus-portraits) is representative of the Sun in the Zodiac Cross. In short, Jesus represents the Sun. 

6. The Crown of Thorns. Jesus’ crown of thorns is a picture of the Sun’s emanating rays. 

The movie then proceeds with a documentation of the term ‘Ages.’ Using a 2150 Yr = ‘Age’ formula derived with great obscurity from what he calls ‘the precession of the equinoxes,’ Peter Joseph divides world history into neat 2150-Yr ages each dominated by a specific sign of the Zodiac — 

Taurus (4300 – 2150 bc): the age of the Bull 
Aries (2150 bc – ad 1): the age of the Ram Pisces (ad 1 – 2150): the age of the 2 FishesAquarius (ad 2150 – 4300): the age of the Water-Bearer 
and so on. 

According to this scheme the Age of Taurus (the Bull) had ended when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and was being superseded by the Age of Aries (the Ram). The Arian age, in turn, was superseded by the Age of Pisces, in which we now live, which will soon be followed by the Age of Aquarius. 

This explains (so the movie claims) Moses’ anger/antagonism toward the worship of the golden bull calf, a throwback to an earlier age. The blowing of ram’s horn in the Mosaic era has to do with it being the age of the Ram. Fish symbolism is particularly common in Christianity because the NT coincides with the beginning of the Age of Pisces. Jesus hinted at the coming Aquarian Age when he tells his disciples in Luke 22:10 to follow “a man bearing a pitcher of water” (i.e. Aquarius, the water-bearer) to find a place for Passover meal. 


Finally, PJ makes his assault on Jesus and Christianity: Jesus is a mythical creation, and Christianity is a conspiracy. 

1. The Jesus-character is borrowed. 
“The imagery of Jesus is explicitly a plagiarism of the Egyptian Sun-god Horus.” 

2. Jesus is a literary-astrotheological hybrid, created by the early Church by transference of attributes from precedent solar deities. 
“Jesus is the solar deity of the Gnostic Christian sect. And like all the pagan gods he was a mythical figure.” 

3. Jesus never existed. He is mythical. 
“Once the evidences weighed, there are very high odds that the figure known as Jesus did not even exist.” 

4. Christianity is a hoax. 

“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally payed to the sun.” 

  “We don’t wanna be unkind, but we wanna be factual. We don’t wanna cause hurt feelings, but we want to be academically correct in what we understand and know to be true. Christianity just is not based on truth.” 

5. Christianity is a conspiracy. The Christian religion is a creation of political authority in history for manipulation and control. 
“We find that Christianity was in fact nothing more than a Roman story developed politically.” 

“It was a political establishment that sought to historize the Jesus figure for social control.” 

The film flashes the names of 23 writers from the 1st century ad who do not mention Christ. The narrator then disputes the credibility of Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, Suetonius and Josephus’ references to Christ, and argues that outside the Bible, there is little historical evidence that Jesus ever existed. 


Most academic reviews dismiss Zeitgeist[3] as historical fiction, mainly lumping the movie in with other conspiracy movies. Peter Joseph uses filmmaking propaganda techniques and makes unsourced and unreferenced assertions to make truth claims wrapped in infotainment units. One non-Christian critic comments: “Unfortunately, this material is liberally — and sloppily — mixed with material that is only partially true and much that is plainly and simply bogus” [Tim Callahan, The Greatest Story Ever Garbled, in eSkeptic, Feb 25, 2009]. 
The movie betrays biases and naïve inconsistencies, and is guilty of manipulation of facts and figures, distortion of texts, random allegory, sweeping assertions, ingenious fabrication, and an overall spurious scholarship. Following is a few which are most evident: 

Spurious Solar Symbolism 

· HORUS. Horus, in Egyptian mythology, is more accurately the ‘Sky god’ rather than being the ‘Sun god.’ If, as alleged, solar-god attributes were subscribed for subsequent deities from Horus, the main link with the Sun, so elaborately built by Peter Joseph, is lost at the very beginning—the first twist or inaccuracy. 
· THE SOLAR CROSS. The allegation that the Cross as the symbol of Christianity finds its source in the Cross of the Zodiac is spurious. The cross became a Christian icon not by its solar/pagan associations, but because of the great act of redemption accomplished on it by Christ. 

· DEC 25TH. No tradition has Horus, Attis, Krishna, or Dionysus born on Dec 25, except Mithra (in his solar aspect as Sol Invictus or ‘Unconquered Sun’). 

  Mithra’s B’day on winter solstice also moved to Dec 21 due to imperfections & modifications on the Roman/Julian calendar. 

Most importantly, Christ’s birthday is nowhere documented (in/outside the Bible) to be on Dec 25. The date is disputed and controversial. 

Christianity deliberately co-opted a pagan festive day as a way of occupying a rival’s holiday, rather than this being the result of Jesus being a solar saviour. 

· WINTER SOLSTICE. The allegory of Sun’s death-burial-resurrection from Easter based on the solar phenomenon around Dec 25th is a mismatch. Dec 25 relates to the Nativity, not the Passion, and can have no metaphorical tie with Jesus’ or the Sun’s crucifixion, burial & resurrection. Besides, Easter does not coincide with the spring equinox to be a celebration of the Sun’s triumph over darkness. 

This story, like most of the film, is “a pastiche of factoid, fiction and ingenious invention. It also betrays a certain naïveté on the part of Peter Joseph in regard to his knowledge of the Bible.” (Callahan/eSkeptic) 

· CROWN OF THORNS. Jesus’ wearing the crown of thorns pictures shame and mockery and has no correspondence with the radiance and glory of the Sun’s emanating rays. 

Astrological Fantasies 

· 3 KINGS & STAR IN THE EAST. Both Sirius and the 3 stars are part of larger constellations (Canis Major and Orion) and cannot be so neatly isolated to form a ‘Star in the East’ and ‘3 Kings.’ Besides, the biblical account of the visit of the Magi in Matthew 2:1-2 has different details. Those who saw the star were “wise men.” And nowhere is it said there were ‘three of them.’ They were just ‘wise men.’ 

· VIRGIN MARY. The Mary-Virgo allegory fails for lack of correspondence. For Mary to represent the constellation Virgo or the celestial Beth-Lehem (house of bread), the constellation must be the place of Sun’s birth. But Virgo is not even the vicinity where the sun rises (or is born) on Dec 25, being away from the line of ‘Sirius – 3 Stars.’ 

· BETH-LEHEM. Bethlehem’s association with Christ’s birth has to do with Davidic kingship, not astrology. He is born in Bethlehem because that was David’s home town, and Jesus must be born there to fulfill the prophecy in Micah 5:2. The 3 gifts the Child receives were gifts of royalty, the same Queen of Sheba brought for King Solomon (1Ki 10:10), and reflect his Davidic royalty. 

· 12 DISCIPLES. The 12 disciples are just disciples, and twelve of them. For the twelve to represent the signs of the Zodiac, as PJ asserts, they should be expected to be given specific zodiacal characteristics in the canonical gospels. Instead, most of the disciples are little more than names, obscure, and lacking any character whatsoever. 

The ‘Ages’ Fabrication 

The neat dissection of history into 2150-yr ages is without clear basis and clearly a fictitious fabrication. 
  • · The normal succession of zodiac signs corresponding to the 12 months is anti-clockwise in the zodiac circle. Zeitgeist’s ages proceed in clockwise succession, a strange reversal. 
  • · Zeitgeist fails to specify the ages for all Zodiac constellations. It picks only four – Taurus, Aries, Pisces, and Aquarius, and neglects to expound the rest. 
  • · Solomon’s bull carvings on the Temple furnishings contradict Moses’ antagonism against bull imagery in the same age of Aries. Moses’ anger was against idolatry not against the Taurean bull. 
  • · Olive and fig trees, sheaves of grain, lambs and lost sheep feature as much as fishes in the NT. None, however, rank as icons. 
  • · Early Church ‘fish’ symbolism featured most likely because the Greek word for fish, ichthus (icqu"), was an acronym for Iesous Christos Theou Huios Soter, or “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour.” 
I = Ihsou"/Iesous = Jesus 

C = Cristo"/Christos = Christ 

Q = Qeou/Theou = of God 

U = ‘Uio"/Huios = Son 

S = Sothr/Soter = Saviour 

· Nothing in Luke 22:10 or in surrounding text talks about or even hints at the transition of ages from Piscean to Aquarian. Jesus only meant to direct his disciples to a house where they must prepare Passover meal. 

· Ist Century Christian thought looks forward to an immediate return of Christ and the ‘end of the ages’ in their times, not after 2150 years (cf Matt 24:3). 

· The anticipated dawn of a new age is (throughout) Messianic, not Aquarian. 

Naïve Scholarship 

· THE OSIRIS/HORUS MYTH. PJ conflates/mixes Horus with his father, Osiris. 

The Osiris/Horus myth, in simplified terms, is something like this: 

The evil Set slays his good brother Osiris and mutilates his body into 14 pieces. Isis, the wife of Osiris reassembles the pieces, having to substitute a wooden phallus for that part of the dead god’s anatomy. She copulates with her dead husband in the form of a bird, conceives and gives birth to Horus. She also raises Osiris from the dead, although this very physical resurrection is in the underworld. When Horus comes of age he does battle with his uncle Set. Set tears out the eye of Horus, while Horus rips off Set’s genitals. Eventually, peace is made between the two, both are healed, and they divide the rule of the year by seasons of life and death. 

A few flaws in the movie is observable from here— 

=Isis is not a virgin but Osiris’ wife. 

=Horus’ conception is not by virginal conception, but by copulation with the father’s dead body. 

=It is Osiris, not Horus who was resurrected, that too in the underworld. 

· THE VIRGIN MYTH. PJ claims that an Annunciation scene from Luxor shows Isis being told by angelic beings she will bear Horus, and being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. The panels from Luxor actually depict the mother of Hatshepsut (not of Horus) being told she will bear the divine child. In the next scene, Amon-Ra consorts with (not overshadows) Hatshepsut’s mother. This was part of the standard Egyptian royal myth that each Pharaoh was engendered by Amon Ra. It has nothing to do with Isis. 

  PJ’s cases for the virgin birth of all the gods were not documented. The truth is no source or tradition has claimed that Horus' mother Isis was a virgin. Neither Krishna (the eighth son), Dionysus (whose mother had slept with Zeus) nor Attis were ever supposed to be virgin-born. 

· God’s Son = God’s Sun? PJ keeps using God’s Son and God’s Sun as if interchangeably. "Son" and "Sun" are obviously not homophonic words in either Ancient Egyptian, Greek or Latin, and therefore no such misunderstanding would occur in ancient astrology. 

Myth or History? 

· A long list runs across the screen of supposed contemporary historians who did not mention ‘Jesus.’ Historians say this is actually a list of geographers, gardening writers, poets and philosophers, who should not be expected to mention him.[4]

· The attempt to isolate the title ‘Christ’ from Jesus in the references of Pliny the Younger Plutonius, and Tacitus is not convincing. The Latin ‘Chrestus’ is a transliteration of the Greek ‘o Cristo" or ‘the Christ’ and refers to no one else but Jesus Christ. For eg, Tacitus speaks of “Christ” “their originator” who “had been executed in Tiberius’ reign by the governor of Judea, Pontius Pilatus,” clearly a contemporaneous, historical figure. 

· The film misrepresents Constantine as making Christianity compulsory and inventing the historical Jesus, when he only legalized it (it was Theodosius I who made it compulsory later in the 4th century). 


Zeitgeist is a highly motivated movie that freely modifies and manipulates historical facts and mythical stories, mixing them with fiction, to assert that Christianity is a fabrication, a political conspiracy for social control. It is a bold assault on Jesus and the Christian faith. Yet Christians need not be intimidated by its claims, almost all of which are spurious. 

In conclusion, the apostle John has to be quoted: 
“Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.” (1John 4:2-3). 

[1] The solstices are marked by the longest and shortest days of the year (21 Jun & 22 Dec) when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at midday.

[2] There are two equinoxes in the year (20 Mar & 22 Sep) when the sun is above the equator and day & night are of equal length.

[3] “Zeitgeist” is a German term (Zeit = time, Geist = spirit) for ‘trend’ or literally “the spirit of the times/age.” It translates the latin genius saeculi, “guardian spirit of the century,” and describes “the general cultural, intellectual, ethical, spiritual, and/or political climate within a nation or even specific groups, along with the general ambience, morals, and sociocultural direction or mood of an era.” 

[4] Chris Forbes/Zeitgeist: Time to Discard the Christian Story? Interview at the Centre for Public Christianity, Sydney, Aus. Chris Forbes is Sr Lecturer in Ancient History in Macquarie University.

Microsoft SharePoint Server Migration

Why has SharePoint Migration become crucial for your enterprise milestone? By backtracking the achievement of Microsoft business suite from Microsoft SharePoint 2003 Server streamline to the present Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Server. One can measure, the leveraging services it prompt up for one Enterprise Company productivity solution and engagement. It came into clear why more than thousands of enterprises starts opting the services, though Microsoft SharePoint Server has the integrated functionality to starts share, access and work collaboratively in run-time services flawlessly.

As a Microsoft Business Partner, what have you been experience is being counted for the stepping stone to success. Chase to the point, starts migration of Microsoft SharePoint 2003 Server Sites, Document Libraries and Lists to Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Server Sites, Document Libraries and Lists and Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Server Sites, Document Libraries and Lists as well be the most crucial and significant jobs for your Enterprise Company?

Interestingly, Microsoft Inc. has started Microsoft Office 365 Online Services. Well, Office 365 Online Services could beat Google Apps Services, though we can say it's flexibility, interoperability, integrated functionality, storage spaces and its costs as well. Nevertheless, Office 365 Online Services indeed requires a high and persistent internet bandwidth to enables the streamline cloud services. Thousands of Enterprise Company had faced trouble in the migration job from the traditional platform to other platform. Besides, thousands of 3rd party company does provide the solution to tackle the hassles though, less is the turn out as of now. High costing while hectic 3rd party solutions could eventually leads a failure into your migration jobs abruptly by chance

Why Enterprise Companies did migration to SharePoint Services:

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    Deploying Windows SharePoint Services in server farms that support tens of thousands of sites and can handle the typical load of hundreds of thousands of users. Windows SharePoint Services supports load balancing for Web servers and server clustering technology for all data—including configuration, documents, and list data.
  6. Flexibly runs on a single computer.
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  7. You can enhance your SharePoint sites using Web Parts.
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  9. You can use Microsoft Office System 2003 as a powerful set of collaboration tools.
    Thanks to the Web services provided by Windows SharePoint Services, programs in the Microsoft Office System—including Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office InfoPath, and Microsoft Office OneNote—can use information in SharePoint sites natively. Programs in the Microsoft Office System allow users to add members to sites, assign tasks, and communicate with members both by e-mail or in real time by using online presence, all while working on documents stored in SharePoint sites. With Microsoft Office Outlook, users can view calendars and contact lists stored on SharePoint sites and can create and manage sites devoted to editing documents and organizing meetings.
  10. You can organize sites and site content by using Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003.
    Windows SharePoint Services provides large numbers of individually productive places. SharePoint Portal Server connects these places to people, teams, knowledge, and applications to create smart organizations. It adds site organization and navigation, content topics, targeted news, personalized sites, content search, organization-wide alerts, enterprise application integration, and more to a Windows SharePoint Services deployment.

      1. Search enhancements
      Let's not minimise the impact of finally being able to search across top-level sites. That's great. But in addition to seeing results of sites users never knew existed, they'll be able to see only what they've been granted access to. So there's no frustration in following a hyperlink and being prompted with a login request, and there's no security risk associated with confidential information making it into a search result list.
      And MOSS 2007 search isn't just for SharePoint sites anymore. Portal searches are able to expose Exchange content, file shares, and Web sites. Use the Business Data Catalog for added functionality that includes returning search results as a SharePoint list.

      2. Checking out documents to a local copy
      Offline access to WSS v2 documents was reliable only with an additional product like Colligo or Groove running on the client machine. Without those products, mobile users had to check out a document from a version-enabled library, save a local copy, go offline to edit, check in the SharePoint document, and then save over the file. With luck, they remembered to delete the local copy to avoid version confusion and maintain data integrity. There was also a neat Work Offline trick using Internet Explorer that allowed users to add a SharePoint library view to their Favorites list and go one hyperlink deep so that they could at least view their SharePoint documents offline to reference during a conference call at the airport or at a client site with no Internet access.
      MOSS 2007 allows users to save a local copy that is still associated with the SharePoint site in a SharePoint Drafts folder inside My Documents. When they connect with their network and open the edited copy in the SharePoint Drafts folder, it asks whether to sync it back to the site. Very intuitive. Add Exchange 2007, and users can connect their SharePoint lists and libraries to Outlook. If you're looking for an offline access solution, SharePoint and Outlook Anywhere beat //fileshares hands down.

      3. Workflow
      Most users admit that a lot of e-mail is generated in their organisation to collaborate on documents. The ability to check in and check out a document was great in WSS v2, but users still had to e-mail the finished product to the people who needed to approve it.
      MOSS 2007 has workflows available out of the box. Users can now route a document for approval or get feedback from the whole team without having to babysit their follow-up flags and Sent Items folder in Outlook. All they have to do is click the drop-down arrow next to the document and choose Workflow. They can then fill in the names and let MOSS 2007 do the rest. Users will get e-mails telling them that a task has been assigned, with a hyperlink to the document. When they follow the hyperlink, they'll see a pane at the top of the document containing the Approve button. Meanwhile, SharePoint is keeping them posted by updating the workflow status and documenting the progress of the document through the approval process.
      A whole world of additional options is available when you add SharePoint Designer and InfoPath to the mix. And if you use Project Server 2007, MOSS 2007 can provide proposal approvals out of the box. If you're considering Project Server 2007, you'll also want to look at Visual Studio 2005 to see what it offers in the way of custom workflow.

      4. Gantt View
      Even if you don't have Project Server, MOSS 2007 now allows you to create a lightweight project environment, including Gantt chart views for project task lists. Although it doesn't have the full functionality of Project Server, it will do in a pinch.

      5. Synched tasks
      To add to the list of ways that MOSS 2007 provides project support, users can connect a task list to Outlook 2007. They can also view all their task lists on all SharePoint sites from My Site using the SharePoint Sites Web part.

      6. More survey features
      If a user answers "Yes" to question 3 in a survey, you can now use branching logic to send him or her down to question 10. Take note that the Audience Targeting column is available in Surveys, so you can use the Content Query Web Part to enable your survey to a particular audience on the front page of your SharePoint site. Printing the survey results is still best accomplished by exporting to a spreadsheet, but at least Microsoft gave us page breaks for long surveys.

      7. Breadcrumb trail!
      Yes. Every SharePoint 2007 site has a mobile view, reached by typing /m behind the URL. Users can also create custom mobile views by clicking the plus sign next to Mobile at the bottom of the page where they normally modify views for every list or library.
      One of the disadvantages of using folders in WSS v2 was that if users navigated into a folder, they never knew where they were in relation to the rest of the site. There was also that annoying click on the Back button that kept bumping them up against the library default view instead of navigating them back to the home page. The default breadcrumb trail now allows users to quickly see how deep into the site they've gone and back up slowly out of a library or a folder.

      9. SharePoint sites on mobile devices?8. Re-parenting to rearrange the collection hierarchy
      Site support just got a lot easier now that we have read/write access to the ServerRelativeUrl property. Not that you didn't enjoy backing up the site, deleting it, and then restoring it somewhere else in the hierarchy.

      10: Wikis and blogs
      This is a no-brainer for any techie, but it's still a hard sell to the higher ups, so tread lightly and don't ever let them think that this is your main motivation for rolling to MOSS 2007. This feature is a major deployment blocker, so while it serves as a welcome development in the product, use words like "knowledge management" and "communities of practice" when pitching these features.

      Best Third Party Solutions Provider for Migration Jobs
      PCVITA Software
      Express Migrator for SharePoint
      PCVITA Software become on the best and supportive Third Party solution provider for SharePoint migration and Google Apps cloud migration jobs. PCVITA Software provides the listed  migration jobs:

             Microsoft SharePoint Server
      1. Migrator software for SharePoint to SharePoint Server 
      2. Migrator software for BPOS
      3. Migrator software for MOSS
      4. Migrator for File System to SharePoint Server
      5. Migrator for Lotus Notes to SharePoint Server
      6. Migrator for Exchange Public Folder to SharePoint

            Google Apps
      Express Migrator for Google Apps
      1. Migrator software for Outlook to Google Apps.
               Express Migrator for Lotus Notes to Google Apps Software is comprehensive to starts a bulk migration of your legacy Microsoft Outlook Emails, Contacts, Calendars and Tasks to Google Apps Cloud Services.
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                       The demo version is made available for free download, try download and water down the whole migration hassles in a seconds. Besides, PCVITA Software has good technical support team, I can say they are level-headed to flash down the queries that's being arise in your migration job. Contact them at by 24/7 online technical support without any abrupt interruption. 

      Lotus Notes to Google Apps

        2. Migrator software for Lotus Notes to Google Apps.

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      How to enable facebook timeline

      What is Facebook timeline?
      Though revealing one's past turns out is crucial and significant. Facebook latest features TIMELINE enables you to starts tracking your past Facebook experiences according to time stamp. Let's not getting in-depth of the features, besides tweaking generates ones interest into extents though. So, to starts configure your Facebook timeline you need not to be a geek or developers. More importantly, taking one propriety genuinely is crucial right? I don't mean you are going to destroy Facebook assets but you can turn yourself more innovative and insightful about what's new in Facebook.

      Steps to enable Facebook timeline features:
      (Note: You Facebook account must be verified
      you can verify your Facebook account by using mobile verification services)

      1. Login your account.
      2. Click on Developers link ( located in your Facebook footer page)
      3. Click on Build apps on Facebook ( third from Build for websites, Build for mobile)

      4. Build your apps (

      5. Click Allow button and continue

      6. Click Create New App button ( located in the right side of your page)

      7. Fill your App Display Name and App Namespace in the New App Box ( see the example below). Check agree to continue.

      8. Done with Security Check (i.e. capcha)
      9. Once your apps page open, start edit or leave as it is. Click Save Changes button.
      10. Click on Open Graph link ( Located in the left page)

      11. Click on Get Started button

      12. Edit the three action tab options Action Type or leave as it is, click on save changes Next button Similarly, Edit your Object Type and Create an Aggregation tab

      13. Click save and finish
      14. Wait for 2 to 3 minutes
      15. Go to your homepage
      16. You will find an option Introducing Timeline - a New Kind of Profile

      17.To finish click Get it Now button

      You're done now.

      Note: Please click on Like button or Plus +1 button or starts sharing!

      For more information or question:

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